

Fire detection and mitigation planning make the difference between having a solid business and no business.

Phumus for industry relies on state of of the art art non maintainable and autonomous sensors that rely the information wirelessly.

Forest / Agriculture

Forest fires are one of the most destructive occurrences is nature. Fire detection prevention can be achieved by teams of monitoring personal, guards and keepers. Phumus is the ideal companion working 24×7 in all weather conditions identifying and monitoring hot spots and high value locations, allowing the optimal fire mitigation assets deployment in case of an incident.


Fire alarms are something common on most house holds, nevertheless they aren’t integrated in a mesh of sensors. Setting neighborhoods with this capacity decreases response times and faster evacuation times by allowing evacuation of the impacted building as well as theĀ  ones next to it.


Phumus provides excellent environmental coverage in large industrial clusters, refineries, ports, industrial clusters, oil rigs, factories, warehouses and such. Having a high concentration of sensors enables a clear picture of the risk level. Assessing this information allow the decision makers to have a complete judgment of their assets versus risk level, allowing them know where to invest and were to dedicate more resources in prevention and mitigation.
Industrial events can be catastrophic in financial terms, nevertheless environmental costs and personal costs can be daunting too.
Phumus is your partner in what relates to fire prevention and mitigation.

Forest / Agriculture

Phumus mesh network with an high concentration of self maintained and autonomous sensor creates a full situational awareness of a specific location, the accuracy of the reading can be pinpointed with a margin of 1m (aprox. 1 yard). The ideal solution deployment are natural parks, high value locations, forest in general and agricultural fields prone to fire (cereal fields, vineyards, etc).
Phumus provides and early warning system in case of an event thus buying time while the event is still manageable and easy to control. In case the event grows to a size that the fast reaction assets are not able to control Phumus provides a possible solution considering the available assets and in the area.

Home / Neighborhood

Traditional smoke sensors work in an isolated way, usually a single smoke sensor is triggered and people in the vicinity will be alert by sound or/and lights. Phumus does not intend to replace this traditional systems, it complements them by providing awareness in a neighborhood level. If one sensor triggers an a alarm to the home/apartment in question but also triggers it to it’s neighbors and fire fire department (if desired). This is specially helpful in vacation periods, areas with low population density and during high monoxide or dioxide carbon events (were a full family can faint before being able to reaction).
Phumus brings a level of redundancy on fire alarms and prevention never seen before in the industry.

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Phumus is proud of it’s technology, please take a moment to check it out